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Error while powering on: Internal error – VMware Technology Network VMTN.Solved: Worstation 12 Player – “Error while powering on: I – VMware Technology Network VMTN

This error is caused when trying to open a VM in the VMware. So, the very obvious cause, in this case, would be the failure of the VMware. I installed a Trial version for the VMware Workstation 12, below is the version. Tried the 14 version but there seems to be a limitation caused by the CPU type. VMware authorization service is not running (); Error while powering on: Internal error; VMware dictionary problem; VMware Workstation Unrecoverable.
Vmware workstation 12 player error while powering on internal error free
› questions › vmware-workstationon-windowsthrow. VMware authorization service is not running (); Error while powering on: Internal error; VMware dictionary problem; VMware Workstation Unrecoverable. I installed a Trial version for the VMware Workstation 12, below is the version. Tried the 14 version but there seems to be a limitation caused by the CPU type.